Monday, October 30, 2006

We Need a Change and You Can Help

If you’re sick and tired of hearing about a congress that rolls over for a renegade Chief Executive; if you want to see some actual oversight on contract abuse, torture policies, wire-tapping; something done to fix illegal immigration; some real action on alternative energy sources; if you want your government to act on things that matter to everyday Americans, then we need to shake things up on Election Day and throw A LOT of bums out!

Spend a little time this week—even 20 minutes will help—and call folks in districts where every vote is going to matter to get people energized about voting Democrats into office this Election Day. Karl Rove is doing all he can to make sure Bush and the Republicans keep a firm grip on your government. It’s going to take all of us to stop them and you can help.'s Call For Change Program--Start Right Now!

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